Schedule – Fall 2024
T/R 8-9:50am CCB221

secheverry at ut dot edu
TECH Building 464E

Course Description:

Idea labs are courses in thought experiments. In these courses, students will use critical inquiry to approach problems in Humanities/Fine Arts that present themselves locally (in Tampa Bay) or globally (in society).

In this course, we will be imagining problems and challenges as they present themselves through Science Fiction in Film and Literature. Specifically, we will be evaluating and creating theses/original responses to issues concerning artificial intelligence, artificial life, virtuality, telecommunications, and robotics, just to name a few.

Specific Course Learning Objectives

1. Apply critical inquiry to identify the complexities of future technologies in Humanities that present themselves locally (in Tampa Bay) or globally (in society).

2. Conduct reliable research concerning future technologies in Humanities that present themselves locally (in Tampa Bay) or globally (in society).

3. Write thesis-driven analysis about future technologies in Humanities that present themselves locally (in Tampa Bay) or globally (in society).

4. Provide a comprehensive review of Science Fiction in Film and Literature

5. Conduct experiential projects addressing issues in Science Fiction.

6. Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between Science and Science Fiction

7. Articulate the importance of non-written, time-based materials as valid forms of cultural expression

8. Analyze the narrative structure of film

9. Demonstrate understanding of the history of Science Fiction products

10. Articulate possible new trends in science, technology and entertainment based on current available tools

11. Evaluate the influence of Science Fiction in our current technological lives.

Course Requirements

A. Required Textbook: there is no required textbook for this class. All written materials will be distributed by the professor or will be freely available online or through our university library.

B. A personal computer or laptop with a decent internet connection, that will allow the accurate and efficient streaming of HD Movies and Videos

C. The creation of a personal Blog on blogger.com that will act as a free and public journal for the class.

Full access to MyUtampa, Zoom, Outlook, Canvas and Dropbox for communication and exchange purposes

Final Exam Schedule




There will be several projects throughout the course, including papers, assignments, take home exams, and others. Each one of them will be a part of the final 100% of the grade in equal weights. If necessary I will do some pop quizzes, depending on the students’ participation and motivation, and depending on how certain sessions work, I might add an extra work not listed in the syllabus. Please be aware that your blogs and participation will be graded with an equal weight as the rest of the class projects and assignments.

The grades posted on Canvas may not reflect the final grade on SpartanWeb.

Possible last-minute changes

Although unlikely, it is possible that last-minute changes might be made to the dates for all assignments or class meetings, excepting only the final exam. In this unlikely event, I’ll make all possible efforts to inform students with sufficient lead-time.

I reserve the right to modify this syllabus for any reason at any time.